Highly skilled certified mechanics guaranteed.


The use of water-jet surface treatment technology or technology of water-jet cleaning and ultra-high-pressure processing using multidisciplinary technical personnel helps to reduce costs compared to traditional manual processing, reducing staff for more efficient work in confined or confined spaces.

We provide comprehensive water-jetting services using a wide range of our own equipment, including zone jet units. All our equipment is multifunctional and capable of changing pressure and flow rate through modifications and includes a number of optional accessories: BJV Jets, Badger Jets, combo Jets, Banshee Jets & etc.

Our equipment can be effectively applied for

• Vessel cleaning.
• Tank cleaning.
• Deck cleaning.
• Tube bundle cleaning.
• Pipework retro jetting.
• Caisson cleaning.
• Surface coating removal.
• Blasting & decontamination.
• Cold cutting.