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Energy modeling:

The uniqueness of the building energy modeling approach is in the ability to predict the future life of a building within a year considering the application of engineering systems defined in the project. One of the main results of the approach is a reliable assessment of future annual energy consumption during its operation which is the energy efficiency of a building.

Energy modeling approach calculates an energy consumption and its project cost

The following objectives can be sorted out using an energy modeling approach:
— developing actions and solutions to increase the energy efficiency of building;
— payback evaluation of energy-efficiency system;
— evaluation of efficiency of engineering solutions on such stages as conceptual design and IFC packages;
— выбор наиболее подходящего тарифа на энергоресурсы
— определение годовой стоимости энергоресурсов для правильной оценки OPEX (операционной стоимости)

— The operbility check of the designed engineering systems of the building during the year under normal, as well as under extreme weather conditions.

The selection of equipment capacities in the design is based on the “calculated” parameters of the outdoor air, which differ from the actual values and their fluctuations.

BEM will help to estimate the length of time when indoor air parameters will not be maintained at the required level. This assessment can be carried out both for an average year and for a year with extremely high summer and extremely low winter temperatures.

With such information, the designer can reasonably make a decision about the correctness of the selected equipment.

— Calculation of the amount of heat entering buildings from solar radiation.

In cases where the building has a complex architecture, as well as neighboring shading buildings, it is almost impossible to reliably determine the amount of heat access to the building without the use of modeling.

Methods of energy modeling of buildings take into account all the nuances that affect the value of heat gain. These are the orientation of the building, geographical location, shading neighboring buildings and self—shading, an accurate model of glazing (including geometry and solar energy transmittance), and, importantly, the inertia of enclosing structures.

Accurate knowledge of the magnitude of such loads will help with the correct selection of equipment, will not allow you to lay an unreasonably large capacity of the refrigerating machine.

— Determination of the number of points received by green certification systems (LEED, BREEAM certification, etc.)Energy modeling of buildings or BEM (Building Energy Modeling) occupies one of the key places in both LEED and BREEAM certification.

Meeting the requirements of environmental certification systems allows you to determine the effectiveness of design solutions and improve the energy efficiency of the building. Which in turn affects the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.